
a member

We’ve done everything we can to make Wilbury Members’ Club an easy financial and emotional decision. To learn more about the benefits of becoming a member, please click here. Our membership costs £16 per month for cats and from £26 per month for dogs. This saves you money too, with discounts on preventative care built in to the membership price.

If you are already registered with us, but not yet a member, please activate your direct debit below.

If you haven't yet registered please first go to join Wilbury to complete our registration form.

To activate your membership, please complete the Wilbury Members Club form via our partner My Pet Portal. Once your registration is complete and your direct debit is set up, you can book your first appointment with us to start claiming your members' benefits  

If you have a new puppy or kitten, congratulations! You couldn’t have picked a better time to become a member. Please make sure you join WMC in the month that you plan to visit us for the first time. To cover the extra visits, vaccinations and products your puppy or kitten will need at the start of their life, there is an additional charge of £65 for puppies and £60 for kittens which is taken at your initial visit. 

sign up now

As always, we’re here to answer any questions. To get in touch, please email [email protected], call us on 01273 737924, or pop in to say hello. We’re easy to find, wheelchair-friendly, and there’s even a parking spot for you just outside the door.